Parents who are in high conflict with each other over parenting issues should not take their conflicts to a court for resolution. Having a judge decide how they will parent their children does not assist in reducing the conflict. In fact, sometimes the exact opposite is the result, and the conflict escalates. Children are hurt by parental conflict. This is something that all experts agree on. The lawyers at Matkovic Allan LLP encourage our clients to explore other means of alternative dispute resolution to assist families.
Parenting Mediation
In some circumstances, parents cannot get to the same page as to how they want their children parented in each other’s homes. They cannot agree on schedules, activities, holiday sharing, and other issues that come up in regards to their children’s lives. Having a neutral third party act as mediator can often move parents off of their ‘positions’, and encourage them to focus on the best interests of their children. Mediation has proved a very successful alternative dispute resolution method for parents at odds with each other over the one thing they undoubtedly have in common: their love for their children. It allows the parents to maintain some form of control over their own children’s lives, and presents a forum for meaningful discussion of concerns that either may have. The lawyers at Matkovic Allan LLP advocate the use of mediation over the Court process. Please feel free to contact us today for more information on Parenting Mediation.
Parenting Coordination
‘Parenting Coordination’ was originally intended as an alternative dispute process by which a qualified parenting expert would assist separated parents experiencing high conflict with interpreting their Parenting Plan. Over time, the role of a Parenting Coordinator has expanded to include assisting parents in coming up with a parenting plan. A Parenting Coordinator can also be given Arbitration powers should the parties agree. A qualified Parenting Coordinator will have extensive experience in dealing with parenting matters stemming from divorce or separation, and should have specialized training as a Parenting Coordinator. In Alberta, there is no requirement for Parenting Coordinators to have recognized training in order to identify themselves as Parenting Coordinators, however at Matkovic Allan LLP, we have lawyers with both extensive training and formal training as Parenting Coordinators. Please feel free to contact Carolyn Allan or Elise Lavigne for more information on Parenting Coordination.
High Conflict Parenting
A small number of parents simply cannot reach a consensus on matters involving their children, and conflict is escalated. They will fight about the most menial of topics. Emotions run exceptionally high with these parties. There are often issues of extreme anger, accusations of abuse, controlling behaviour, and boundary issues. The parents in high conflict parenting disputes often do not see the harm that the conflict is having on their children. Having a lawyer that can assist the parents in acknowledging and moderating their own behaviour, improving their communication skills with the other parent, and that can assist in educating the parents about their children’s specific developmental needs, will inevitably lead to a better co-parenting relationship, which will ultimately lead to healthier and happier children. The lawyers at Matkovic Allan LLP are trained to deal with high conflict parenting matters. Please feel free to contact us today for more information on High Conflict Parenting matters.